Thursday 13 August 2015

Shower Thoughts...

Evening! :) How is everyone today? Going well?

 It's been a busy day down here! Doing school work, going to the library, running down to circus... Plus waiting for a friend to come and pick something up, but she was rude enough to not come at all, but I won't dwell on that for too long. :P

  Also finally got my book back from my friend. :P I'm currently feeling very protective of it, I got it for my birthday and then didn't see it for another six months. But it's back, and that's the main thing.

 Anyway, back to the main reason I'm making this post. I was having a shower the other day and kept thinking about something I saw on Facebook, which was something about putting blankets out for people who were homeless since it's been pretty cold in some of Australia this winter. For some reason that reminded me of something my family and I did last Christmas, where we gave a homeless person about $100+ (I forgotten how much it actually was XP).
 A few days later I started thinking about both of those things, because I was reminded by the fact that Christmas is only four months away and that I need to start preparing Christmas Carols to sing for busking. And it gave me an idea...

 You see, I feel that Christmas has lost it's spirit. Once, a long time ago, Christmas was about giving. Catching up with family. Connecting with people. These days, I feel that Christmas is just about how much companies can sell and how much people can buy. Everyone wants more and more. But that's not what Christmas is about.
 I think that I kind of realised this back in 2010, at Christmas time. I remember walking through the Mall on Christmas Eve, doing some last minute shopping, when we were surrounded by a group of thirty or so office workers. They gave us $350, and explained that every Christmas they get together, chip in some money and give it to someone who looks like they could do with a bit of cheer. And then they just kinda vanished back into the crowd, leaving my parents, brothers and I standing where we were, utterly surprised and shocked. I will never forget that day.

 So, this Christmas, I've decided that I want to re-introduce the Christmas Spirit. Once a week or more, starting in November, I'm going to do good deeds, whether it be helping someone carry their shopping, smiling at a person, giving compliments, etc. At the moment I'm putting money aside to give to some the week before Christmas.
 All my blog posts when I'm doing this will be called "Spreading Christmas Spirit: ______" So if you see one of them it'll be telling what I've done for that week to spread the spirit of Christmas. And feel free to join me in doing this. Whether you're a blogger, facebooker, youtuber, or user of any other type of social media, you can encourage others to do the same. :)

Official hashtags for the task will be: #SpreadingChristmasSpirit #SpreadingChristmasSpirit2015 

 It doesn't matter how big or small your deed is - you could give a homeless person blankets to stay warm, or hand out little cards to people with compliments written in them. 

 See you all soon, and have a great weekend!
Spinj xoxo

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